Scan-Integrated is an award-winning fully integrated camera / radar product. The Scan-360 radar integrated with the 360Vision Technology Predator range of cameras provides a full 360-degree field of view with no blind spots. On detection the camera automatically rotates to view the target area and send alarms to local recorders or control centres. The system uses the Scan-360 radar technology to monitor the surrounding area (over 125,000 square metres).
Total range 400m
Can be mounted high to avoid vandalism.
Configurable detection & priority zones.
All weather capability & compact design.
Radar continually scans while camera investigates threats
No blind spots
Operates 24/7 365 days.
The system uses 24GHz radar technology to detect and track targets. When a threat is seen the camera automatically rotates and zooms toward the target. Video analytics can be used to classify the target, or the radar alarm can trigger a built-in 3G/4G link to send a short video clip to a remote operator. By utilising the Scan-360's advanced microwave technology and digital signal processing, Scan-Integrated offers the same low nuisance alarm rate and high detection probability with the advantage of a built-in high performance camera with no blind spots.
Please contact us for further information and specifications.